Friday 5 August 2016

Dil - Emma

Bad things happen to good people because they deserve more than what’s good’.  Yet there are situations where we fail to distinguish what is good or bad for us. ‘This or that’. It happens quite often. Perhaps we all must have experienced it. This situation has been named perfectly by a terminology ‘DILEMMA’. It is basically a situation in which it is difficult to make a choice .It could be regarding anything because our brains have the ability to make the easiest the toughest and vice versa.
Dilemma could be whether continuing our degree like other’s prefer or opt for your interest, go with your love or stay with your family, chose to be individual or a social being, work for respect or live for money.
Well if there’s a problem there lies a solution too. The root origin of any problem is because it has a solution. Dilemma word always sound like a problem. But if you go deep into this word you are going to get a solution too. Let’s break it. ‘Dil- Emma’. No matter what your state is the ‘Dil – Emma’ concept will always insist you to come out of it. Let’s see how.
Let’s keep the ‘Dil’ word aside just for few seconds. Focus on the ‘EMMA’.
     E- Ensure that whatever you chose out of the available alternatives is your sole decision           (Not influenced by others)
     M- Measure the severity of each and every situation
     M- Match it with your capabilities (And your audacity of saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to things )
     A - Assure you do not forget to Appreciate yourself for choosing it all by yourself (Self appreciation is the best self booster)
Once you are done with the EMMA part. You will find things resolved it all by themselves. The reason being dil won’t argue anymore as your brain has wisely captivated it. See how easy it is. Try it. Share your experience. Would love to listen it from you all.

By- Purva Banthiya