Friday 31 January 2014

Preface - "Inspiring Initiative"

AnantAman Social Welfare Society

Welcome to official blog of AnantAman Social Welfare Society. Our Mission is to help the underprivileged and serve Humanity. Our Vision is to promote Sovereignty, Democracy, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.


AnantAman Social Welfare Society is a registered NGO which was founded by 7 Friends and several other supporting hands, who gave strength to the foundation, who were determined to initiate a change.
We always talk that someone should stand up, raise the voice, revolt against evil and come ahead to fight against wrong, but we never take this responsibility on our shoulder, we never step ahead and take the initiative to lead a revolution.... This was our inspiration that let us take this initiative and drive a change in Society, City, Nation and whole World.
Our aim is to help poor and under privileged sections of society, provide social security, contribute towards National progress and to spread awareness and get backward sections of society their Rights and helping them raise their standards of living. For Achieving this we have started with helping poor children in acquiring education, making them aware about health, hygiene and their rights and duties.